Welcome to Aleph Academy, an innovative after-school Jewish enrichment program, located at the beaches of the Atlantic. Our program is a trend setter in creative Jewish expression and education for children pages 4 and up.
- Ready Set, Aleph Bet (Grades Pre-K, K)
- Aleph Discovery (Grades 1st-7th)
- Aleph Plus (Grades 8th-9th)
- Aleph Teen Leadership Team (Grades 9th -12th staff opportunities - both volunteer and pay)
- Aleph Scholars (A Higher Learning Track Option)
- Aleph Adults (Hebrew School for Parents, Hebrew Reading Crash Course, Judaism 101)
- Aleph Champ Motivational Hebrew Reading Program (for all ages)
Aleph Add-on's
- Aleph Art Room Jewish Holiday Art with a local Artist
- Aleph Action Community Service and Social Action Volunteer & Fun
The Aleph Circle
Join the Aleph Circle and partner with us as we Secure the Jewish future.
The gift that keeps giving - $360 to Aleph Academy scholarship fund.